Lister A Type

stationary engine

Lister A Junior, stationary engine

Stationary engines are essentially the necessity for a real oldtimers enthusiast. I must however admit that I was somewhat „neglected“ with the ownership of these equipment. Truly, at the turn of the ages, I was for some times owner of a stationary engine Lorenz 3 HP. But as usually happens, I needed money for an important project, so this engine walked away from my home. However I have an excuse. I have only made this kind of sales what could be count on the fingers of one hand.

For many years I have had the feeling of dissatisfaction and emptiness. In the spring 2015 I decided to „replenish stocks“. Unfortunately the price of stationary engines have been risen over the years to levels considerably reminiscent of exorbitant prices. Especially in the case of Czech machines. For an incomplete rusty wreck Slavia, which has been lying several decades behind a barn, had been some sellers asking prices, which give rise to doubts about their sanity. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to a proven method, importing a foreign machinery.

Lister A Junior, stationary engine

When the tempting offer appeared from a collector which lost self-control over the import of stationary engines from England, and under pressure certain circumstances (Cherchez la femme) had to reduce his collection, I set out to do a good deed and help him with the excessive iron. For a fraction price of the Czech engine I got complete and functional English machine.

Of course, Lister A Junior from the point of view of orthodox collectors is ordinary, but my needs were satisfied. It is a typical conservative (how else, if it's British) stationary engine, which production was almost unchanged from 1923 to 1963. My piece is from 1938, and thus complies with my interwar „belief“. Additionally also a little of the Czech nationalism remained preserved: Lister A Junior has allegedly inspired Pařík brothers for manufacturing of stationary engines Slavia.

Lister A Junior, stationary engine  Lister A Junior, stationary engine

The engine is „puffing“ in the import status. I only have made two modifications at the beginning of the season 2016. First, I rewind the ignition coil, changed a capacitor and powered magnets – the standard operations which I do with all the magnets without exception. Second amendment constituted redesigning the chassis, because the former English owner replace the rotted beams by welded iron construction, which did not look aesthetically. The return to wood certainly my Lister pretty up!

Lister A Junior, stationary engine  Lister A Junior, stationary engine

Lister A JuniorIn terms of veterans hobbies, stationary engines will be important in the near future. After the end of the epoch meetings and rallies (undoubtedly it will come soon) and before we lose our heads and Europe dives into the darkness, in the short meantime, we'll reminiscing about the good old days and our stationary engine will be rotating.

Lister A Junior, stationary engine

For download:
Lister A & B instruction and spare parts book
(PDF, 12 MB, en)